Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Last year I totally dropped the ball and forgot Valentine's Day.  Just plain forgot it.  I have this tradition where I get Keith and the kids some goodies on V-Day.  It's waiting for them when they wake up - and last year, when they woke up?  Nothing was there for them.  (Please tell me you've been this lousy too - tell me I'm not alone.)

Mothering FAIL.

I had been working so hard on my business, that I lost sight and forgot what was most important to me - them.  I had been working so hard that apparently I didn't even know the date because WHO DOES THAT?  

While I felt like the world's worst mom - it was almost good for me that it happened.  It woke me up.  It threw me back into the world of WHAT'S MOST IMPORTANT.  My people - they are what matters most.  This job has allowed us freedom to do things we never dreamed of, but none of it matters if I lose sight of the things that matter.  I don't want my kids to grow up resenting my job, or my company.  I want them to love this life - and the freedom this job has brought to our family.

ANYWAYSSSSS.  This year, I didn't forget.  Each kiddo (and the hubs) had a small little gift - just enough to remind them that I love them so.

Happy Valentine's Day!  Go hug your loved ones :)

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How To Use: Frankincense

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