Happy Birthday Kohen!

Happy Birthday Kohen!

Last week we were able to celebrate our littlest guy turning 7!  How in the WORLD can he possibly be 7 already?!  Get ready for some yummy newborn Kohen goodness:

OMG.  Time literally just flies by.  I can still remember bouncing him in a carrier while I was cooking a turkey dinner - homeboy NEVER stopped crying.  And while he may still be a bit grumpy sometimes, he's still the cutest.

We love to make birthday mornings special with decorations, donuts and singing.  I think it's so important that each kid knows how special they are - but especially on their birthday!  We are so thankful that God gave them to us!

My oldest 2 kids got some pretty amazing cakes for their birthdays.  Now everyone gets donuts from the store.  Listen, it's the thought that counts.

As luck would have it, the kids didn't have school on his birthday (lucky!) so we spent the day hanging together as a family, celebrating our little man.

Kohen Scout, we are so lucky to have you as part of our crew.  You are glorious in all of your grumpy, snuggle-lovin' ways.  Our crew just wouldn't be the same without you - you are LOVED!

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