Halloween Festivities

Halloween Festivities

Oh Halloween, I have a love/hate relationship with you.  The chocolate lover in me wants you to stick around forever - but the Mom in me wonders why you're on a school night?  And why do I have candy in my house for weeks & months afterwards?

A few years back, we started buying the kids candy back from them - .10 cents a piece.  Not bad, right?  50 pieces will get you $5.00 - and my kids can get 50 pieces easily.  But that's the problem.  They try to hit up all the houses so they can sell a ton, but still keep a ton.  Therefore we have candy coming out of every cabinet & drawer and find pieces hiding under pillowcases & in pant pockets for way too long.  It's sugar overload in this house.

Let's move on to costumes, shall we?

I'll never know why we bought costumes this year, while currently I can't walk in the basement without stepping on dress up clothes.  Gobs and gobs of dress up clothes, yet somehow we bought new costumes to add to that dang pile.  What was I thinking?

Caedmon was a skateboard kid (also known as "I'm too cool for this, but I want candy" costume). 

Olive was a witch - cute little costume, right?  Oh wait, we have nearly that exact same costume in our basement from last year (insert eye roll emoji here to spending more money on things we don't need).  

Elsa was looking darling in her homemade Little Red Riding Hood costume.  And I only had to drive to 5,000 different stores to find the cape - what's up with all the Little Red Riding Hood costumes sold at stores being very inappropriate?  

Milo is obviously Chewbacca and this obviously fits his personality.  If he could wear that mask everywhere we went, he would.  

Kohen steals the show, like always.  He was Mike Moustakas (Royals 3rd baseman).  Seriously Kohen - you're so cute.

And Hadley bean was Rey (thank you to my lovely IG friends who informed me of the Star Wars Character name).  I can't keep up with Star Wars.  #toomanymovies #toomanycharacters

The Newest Anderson

The Newest Anderson

Happy Birthday Kohen!

Happy Birthday Kohen!