Christmas is Coming!

Christmas is Coming!

Hello, HELLO!

I thought it might be fun to pop in here and share a few things about Christmas that our family does - I hope it’s helpful!


We do 3 gifts each for our kids:

We also do new books & Christmas jammies on Christmas Eve, which the kids always love.

Flashback to when I bought everyone matching jammies and it turns out they were for women and the boys loved me for that! Mr. Andersons' jammie pants were so inappropriately small that I made him change. That story never gets old!

Flashback to when I bought everyone matching jammies and it turns out they were for women and the boys loved me for that! Mr. Andersons' jammie pants were so inappropriately small that I made him change. That story never gets old!

I made this Christmas wish list for my kids, to help figure out Christmas gifts. Thought it might be helpful for some of you!
You can print a high resolution HERE

Christmas Wish List 2.jpg

One of my favorite traditions is using a different wrapping paper for each kid - so when they come down Christmas morning, they see all the gifts but don't know whose are whose until they find a tiny piece of their wrapping paper at the bottom of their stocking!

Here’s a bit more about this tradition (and a trip down memory lane)

What traditions do you have for the Holidays?

Hello again.

Hello again.